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Ron Paul is kinda nutty…that’s why I dig him.

     It was the winter of 2008 and we had organized something called “The New Hampshire Awakening.”  It was surrounding the “first in the nation” Presidential Primary in New Hampshire.  The main focus of our event was bringing attention to human rights and social justice for all Americans. 

     Including those in their mother’s womb.

     It was really a wonderful event and one of the highlights was a large prayer rally, featuring Starr Parker, in which we invited all the Presidential candidates to come for a time of prayer.  Hundreds showed up to pray.

   Sadly, the only “major” candidate who came was Congressman Ron Paul.  He came with no entourage.  No fanfare.  No cameras.  If you didn’t know who Ron Paul was, he could have sat in the back pew and no one would have missed him.

      He was unassuming.  Humble.  In fact, I think the best word to describe Dr. Paul is “ordinary.”  He even borders on being a bit awkward.

      In light of this, it is amazing the devotion and almost “cult-like” affection his supporters have for him.  During the New Hampshire Primary they were on the streets at all hours talking to everyone about everything.

       Watching their committment to him caused me to say, “If Christians in America had the same devotion to Christ as Ron Paul’s supporters had for him, the church could change America in a generation.”

      There are many reasons why this near fanatical support  for him is there.  But the thing I love about him most  is, he just says what he believes and could care less about polls, focus groups or how it will play out with the general public.

      He is the rarest of politicians who remains true to his core convictions and speaks from his heart.  No bull.  No spin.

       I mean what major candidate would campaign  on eliminating income tax and the IRS?   You have to love him just for saying that.

        Now, don’t worry I am working for the Ron Paul’s campaign or even voting for him.  But I must admit, he is such a breath of fresh air to this tightly scripted political process I do find myself drawn a bit to him.

      I mean wouldn’t it be great if all politicians dumped their press advisors, media consultants, spin doctors, focus groups and massive entourages and just spoke from the heart.

        It would revolutionize the political process.  By the way, how could you not love a candidate who uses the image and word  “revolution” in his campaign.

           Hey, I know some of the things Dr. Paul says may sound a bit nutty but that is why I dig him so much.



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The beauty of Christian fellowship…and potluck suppers.

     I know for many the church has not provided inspiration, comfort or hope.  Entering my 34th year of ordained ministry, I have counseled and prayed with many who have been wounded and  scarred by the church and her members.

     Some have been manipulated by a controlling pastor.  Others have been judged or condemned.  Still many have felt underappreciated for their service and others quite frankly have been taken advantage of.

      I understand these are legitimate  emotions and concerns.  There is much the church and her leaders have to “repent” for with respect to the treatment of  their members.

     Still, when the church gets it right, which I would suggest is most of the time, it is a wonderful thing to behold.  Reaching out to Haiti after the devastating earthquake.   Helping make meals for a member who has just gone through serious surgery.  Literacy programs taught in a church basement.  Providing shelter after a major disaster.

       Actually, space and time do not permit me to list the wonderful acts of mercy and kindness the church gives everyday to a hurt and broken world.

        Which brings me to this Sunday.

        I joined my niece, Allyson, and her family along with my in-laws from New Jersey at a Seder dinner at my niece’s church.  The atmosphere was loving, friendly and warm.  Perhaps the best word that comes to mind is “comfortable.”

       After the Seder presentation, we all joined in a potluck dinner with dishes brought by individual church members.  Let me tell something holmes, nobody does pot luck like churches.

       First, Christians love to eat.  At the church, people bring their “special” plates because they know folks will ask questions like, “Who made that incredible fried chicken?”  The response, “Oh that.  I just threw it together.”

        I must admit I filled my plate a bit fuller than normal because I am getting ready for a Holy Week fast.  Seeing all that food piled on my plate made me feel like a bear eating his last meal before hibernation.

        Believe me, it was not pretty.

       As people sat down, something magical happened.  Folks were talking, sharing, laughing and enjoying spending time with each other.

        It is what the Bible calls “fellowship.”  When people get it right, it really is quite a beautiful thing to behold.


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Spontaneous Patriotism


    I have always been one who is attracted to non-scripted and spontaneous moments.  Here is Washington, D.C. everything is so carefully scripted and meticulously planned.  Sound bites are scripted.  Same with news releases, speeches, rallies, etc.    You name it and it is programmed and worked through focus groups.

    Even patriotism is scripted.

    You have the rallies with red, white and blue balloons and banners.  Of course, patriotic songs are a must.  And flags everywhere.  On label pins.  Even flag scarves and ties.  It is as if someone wearing the symbol of the flag makes them more American or patriotic.

    Sometimes I feel like saying, ” enough with the flags.”  The issue is do we really embrace the ideals America stands for or are we more interested in creating an image that we do.

      Anyway, that leads me to a very wonderful and genuine moment of spontaneous patriotism I saw today.  I was walking around the athletic fields of the University of Mary Washington today.  I was praying and preparing for Holy Week.

     The athletic fields were bustling with a number of different sporting events and the track was crowded as well.  You know.   Joggers, students, moms and dads of students, track team members.

      As I was walking with the crowd, the Women’s Lacrosse team was about to begin their game.  As both teams stood on the sidelines, the National Anthem began to play loudly over the public address system.

     Then without any signal or planning, people began to stop and face the flag hundreds of feet away.  Joggers stopped running and put their hand over their hearts.  Some moms and dads began to mouth the words. 

     “O say can you see, by the dawns early light….”

      I stopped too and faced the flag.   Without any  scripting, we were all caught up in a genuine and spontaneous moment of real patriotism and love for this country.

       When the music ended, people resumed their normal activities and the lacrosse game started.  But for that brief and wonderful moment, I was reminded what a great country we live in and I wasn’t even wearing a flag pin.



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A blog a day…


    I really have had a busy day today so it has been hard for me to sit down and write.  I have determined if I am going to do “this blog thing” I will try to write something every day.

     So, there may be some moments where I inspire you with wonderful words of genius and wisdom and then there may be days where I put out something crappy like this.

     One of the main things that attracted me to blogging in the first place was the kind of lack of structure to the whole thing.  It is very free-spirited which I love.  After all, I was raised in the 60’s.  No English teacher telling you what to write or “blog rules” that you must follow.

    You just sit down and share your heart.  Your ideas.  Your thoughts.  Which I think is a pretty cool thing.   I understand that society, family and culture need rules and structure.  God knows I need structure in my life.  My college president, Dr. Pier, always said “rules are tools.”

     And, I don’t disagree.

    However, every now and then it is nice to bend, break or ignore those rules.   Even if it is only for a few moments on your computer screen.


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     I have no idea if this is going to work but I am actually writing my first blog.  Yea.   To understand how monumental this is, you have to understand me.  I have a real aversion to technology and just got my very own cell phone not that long ago.  I still don’t know the difference between texting and email.

     Now writing this blog is not the discovery of fire or walking on the moon but it still represents quite a big step for me.  This evolution came about a short time after I got on Facebook which was only a few weeks ago.  I got really ticked off that you could only write 420 characters on your wall.

     Are you kidding me!  420 characters.  Not 420 words.  420 characters.  That’s impossible.  I need more room.   More space.   Hence, the discovery of the blog. 

     Now my brother John has been trying to get me to do this for years.  He wanted me to write a blog before people even knew what a blog was.  I resisted.  Too complicated.  Too much of a pain.

      But Facebook wet my appetite and here I am.  So, the journey begins.  I am not sure where it will take me but I think it is safe to say it will include my thoughts, ideas, feelings, views and emotions on a variety of subjects.

       If you know me, you know I like to talk.  In fact, every picture you see of me in the press I always have my mouth wide open.  I wonder why?

        Hopefully, you will find some inspiration, challenge or provocation in my words.   Or, maybe you will think I’m just pathetic.  Either way, climb on board.   Strap yourself in and let’s get this party started.


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Figuring out my blog

Writing a blog is the easy part. Setting it up. Well that’s another thing! Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Posted via email from revmahoney’s posterous

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Here I am with the Hatian Ambassador

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